Lake Accotink May Not Survive This Time.
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Site Updated: February 2023
Another Mary Lipsey Project
Photograph by Tom Kinder
Website by Jim Hawkins
2023 Lake May Not Survive 2019 Lake Saved Again Historical Timeline Markers in the Park Artifacts Discovered Newspaper Articles O&A RRThe Orange & Alexandria Rail Road O&A RR - Civil War Defense O&A RR - 1974 Scout Project Trail Civilian Conservation Corps Fire Trail Explosives Plant Camp A. A. Humphreys and Fort Belvoir Role Cordurory Road - Rare 1945 Pictures and Notes Picture Gallery Maps Resources Supporters |
In 2016, Fairfax County historian Mary Lipsey, on behalf of Friends of Lake Accotink Park (FLAP), initiated a project to document historical aspects of Lake Accotink Park in Fairfax County, Virginia.
This website includes a review of historical markers in the park, notes on other points of historical interest, and a catalogue of artifacts housed in the park's visitors center. There are also links to additional information about the park and a gallery of images submitted by local citizens. The research team, headed by Mary Lipsey, relied heavily on previous studies, public records, and collections. Assistance was provided by Fairfax County Park Authority employees. Other team members included Tom Kinder (photographer), Margaret Kinder, Jim Hawkins, Mike DeLoose, and Debi DeLoose. Comments, Suggestions, Corrections, Additions and Picture Gallery additions are solicited. Email them to [email protected] |

Friends of Lake Accotink Park Website https://flapaccotink.org/
Visit the Fairfax County, Virginia Lake Accotink Park Site http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/lake-accotink/
Friends of Accotink Creek Website http://www.accotink.org/index.htm
Visit the Fairfax County, Virginia Lake Accotink Park Site http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/lake-accotink/
Friends of Accotink Creek Website http://www.accotink.org/index.htm